Perennials Roses Trees Shrubs Edibles Tools Other Garden Types 121 - 180 of 545 productsItems per page1224364860Sort byName ascendingName descendingPrice ascendingPrice descendingOffersPopularity Previous 123456 10 Next Rosa 'Absolutely Fabulous' (Flo) £ 15.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Rosa 'Felicia' (Shr) £ 19.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Lonicera periclemenum 'Graham Thomas' £ 19.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Festuca amethystina 3L £ 14.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Rosa 'Albertine' (Ram) £ 17.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Solanum crispum 'Glasnevin' £ 19.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Rosa 'York Minster' (Flo) £ 19.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Rosa 'Madame Alfred Carriere' (Clg) £ 17.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Rosa 'Constance Spry' (Shr/Clg) £ 19.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Magnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem' 10 litre pot £ 45.00Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock RHS Mid Handled Claw Cultivator £ 19.99Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Lonicera heckrotii 'Gold Flame' £ 19.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Rosa 'Blush Noisette' (Clg) £ 17.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Agapanthus africanus 8LOptions from £ 17.50Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Agave macroacantha 8 litre pot £ 50.00Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Solanum laxum 'Album' £ 19.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Rosa 'Felicite et Perpetue' (Ram) £ 17.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Burgon&Ball RHS Mid Handle Fork £ 21.99Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Rosa 'Bobbie James' (Ram) £ 17.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Lonicera japonica 'Red World' £ 19.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Polystichum setiferum 'Herrenhausen' 3L £ 16.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Yucca rostrata 10 Litre pot £ 50.00Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Yucca filifera 8 litre pot £ 50.00Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Rosa 'Perennial Blue' (Ram) £ 17.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Agapanthus 'Midnight Star' (Navy Blue) 8LOptions from £ 13.47Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Hedera helix 'Arborescens' 15 litre pot £ 45.00Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock RHS Stainless Dibber £ 18.99Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Rosa 'Sheila's Perfume' (Flor) £ 15.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Clematis 'Veronica's Choice' 3LT £ 21.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Rosa 'It's A Wonderful Life' £ 17.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Foeniculum vulgare 3LT £ 13.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Vitax Q4 2.5Kg £ 15.99Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Sanguisorba hakusanensis 'Lilac Squirrel' 7.5Litre pot £ 27.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Niwaki Sharpening Stone #1000 £ 15.00Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Clematis orientalis Bill MacKenzie 3LT £ 24.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Miscanthus nepalensis 3itre pot £ 16.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Rosa 'A Whiter Shade of Pale' (H.T) £ 15.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Geum 'Mai Tai' PBR 3L £ 13.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Clematis 'H.F. Young' 3LT £ 21.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Woodwardia prolifera 10 litre pot £ 40.00Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Amsonia orientalis 3LT £ 13.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Geranium pratense 'Azure Skies' PBR 3L £ 13.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Burgon&Ball RHS Mid Handle Trowel £ 21.49Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Erigeron karvinskianus 'Lavender Lady' 3L £ 13.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Salvia 'Violin Music' 3L £ 13.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Anthriscus sylvestris 3Litre pot £ 13.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Rosa 'You're Beautiful' (Flo) £ 15.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Geranium himalayense 'Gravetye' 3L £ 13.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Iris sibirica 'Silver Edge' £ 14.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Alchemilla erythropoda 3L £ 13.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Iris 'Indian Chief' 3 litre pot £ 14.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Iris 'Madeira Belle' 3L £ 14.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Rosa 'The New Dawn' (Clg) £ 17.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Taxus baccata 5 litre pot £ 14.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Thymus vulgaris £ 11.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Rosa 'Golden Memories' (Flo) £ 15.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Sanguisorba hakusanensis 'Lilac Squirrel' £ 13.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Rosa 'Kent' (G.C) £ 17.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Lythrum salicaria 'Robin' 3L £ 13.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Echinacea pallida 'Hula Dancer' 3L £ 15.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Previous 123456 10 Next