White Garden Show filters Hide filters (Colour) White (19) Clear selection (Size) 5.5 LT (2) 3.5 litre (1) 3 litre LT (6) 3 litre (2) 5 litre (1) 10 litre (2) 7.5 litre (2) 20 litre (1) 40 litre (1) 35 litre (1) Clear selection (Aspect) FULL SUN (3) SU/LT-SH (5) SU/LT-SH/PT-SH (10) SU/LT-SH/PT-SH/SH (1) Clear selection (Soil type) ANY SOIL PH (16) ACID-NEUTRAL (2) NEUTRAL-ALKALINE (1) Clear selection (Form) cm 150 (1) m 1-1.2 (1) cm 40-60 (1) m 1.25-1.5 (1) m 1.8-2 (1) Clear selection (RHS AGM award winner!) AGM (7) Clear selection (RHS Plants for pollinators) P4P (3) Clear selection (RHS Hardiness) H3 (-5 to 1) (1) H4 (-10 to -5) (2) H5 (-15 to - 10) (3) H6: (-20 to -15) (7) H7 (< -20) (4) Clear selection Clear selection £ - Clear selection 1 - 19 of 19 productsItems per page1224364860Sort byName ascendingName descendingPrice ascendingPrice descendingOffersPopularity Agapanthus africanus 'Albus' 3.5L £ 19.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Anemone hybrida 'Honorine Jobert' 3L £ 13.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOut of stock Anthriscus sylvestris 3Litre pot £ 13.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Astrantia major 'Shaggy' 3LT £ 16.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOut of stock Hydrangea quercifolia 'Ice Crystal' 7.5litre pot £ 29.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Hydrangea quercifolia 40 litre pot £ 100.00Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOut of stock Magnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem' 10 litre pot £ 45.00Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Magnolia soulangeana 'Alba Superba' 35 litre pot £ 250.00Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Passiflora 'Snow Queen' £ 21.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOut of stock Philadelphus 'Belle Etoile' £ 14.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOut of stock Philadelphus 'Fragrant Falls' 7.5 litre pot £ 29.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Philadelphus coronarius 20 litre pot £ 35.00Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Rosa 'Iceberg' (Flo) £ 15.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOut of stock Rosa 'Rambling Rector' 5.5 litre pot £ 17.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Sanguisorba tenuifolia alba 3 litre pot £ 13.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Thalictrum delavayi 'Splendide White' £ 17.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOut of stock Trachelospermum jasminoides £ 30.00Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Trachelospermum jasminoides 10L 150cm tall £ 45.00Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock Verbascum phoeniceum 'Flush of White' 3 litre pot £ 13.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOrder nowIn stock