Perennials Roses Trees Shrubs Edibles Tools Other Garden Types 541 - 545 of 545 productsItems per page1224364860Sort byName ascendingName descendingPrice ascendingPrice descendingOffersPopularity Previous 1 5678910 Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost' PBR 3L £ 15.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOut of stock Hamamelis intermedia 'Jelena' 30 litre pot £ 160.00Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOut of stock Hamamelis intermedia 'Pallida' 20 litre pot £ 160.00Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOut of stock Cirsium rivulare 'Trevor's Blue Wonder' 3L £ 13.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOut of stock Hamamelis intermedia 'Arnold Promise' 3 litre pot £ 24.95Add this product to your wishlistMore infoOut of stock Previous 1 5678910